Digital Gift voucher Classic massage

CHF 55.00CHF 135.00

Duration and price:
30 min 55.– CHF
45 min 75.– CHF
60 min 100.– CHF
75 min 120.– CHF
90 min 135.– CHF

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SKU: 200 Categories: , , Product ID: 3457


A classic massage is the ideal form of treatment if you are suffering from tense muscles. During treatment, the knots become increasingly smaller and sometimes may even disappear completely. Many clients of armonia blu treat themselves to a classic massage every week or every 14 days. This allows them to recover sooner from the stresses and demands of work and daily life and helps them improve their performance and well-being. There is no doubt that people who treat themselves regularly to a classic massage have a more relaxed attitude in life and are less prone to illness and injury.